why dont you reply along the lines of-
"ive always wanted to be a Jehovahs witness--but never met one before--so i'm so pleased to get your letter."
whether you choose to put your real name and address is up to you x
today l received a hand written letter from my local kingdom hall .
l say my local as the one nearest me , for those who don't know me l am not nor have ever been a jw .
as this letter was addressed " to the householder " l assume that everyone in the area ( tamworth , staffordshire ) has been sent one .
why dont you reply along the lines of-
"ive always wanted to be a Jehovahs witness--but never met one before--so i'm so pleased to get your letter."
whether you choose to put your real name and address is up to you x
i think it does especially being that this organization is rigidly structured itself on formulated doctrines from a top hierarchy of men which are strictly enforced, among other reasons.
what cults are.
a cult is not necessarily a religious group, although religious cults are common, including breakaway sects from more mainstream faiths.
Hi..fink has been deleted..spamming and duplicate accounts. Despite warnings.
i'm not talking about armageddon, but a chance for all mankind to "reset" and come together.
just sayin.
i know i'm going to get nailed, but that's ok. i still consider myself a christian..
i'm more inclined to believe there will be a 2nd coming of Hitler than christ.
from william.
h. bowen on facebook :.
alienation and garbage the new message of jehovah’s witnesses.
i recently had the sad opportunity to attend 2 jw funerals.
the first was a few months ago and the second today.
the first was my grandfather's and the second of an old friend back from my jw days.
my JW dad died 5 years ago--almost to the day. i checked his will--there were no instructions as to his funeral. as i was his sole immediate next of kin--it was up to me to organise his funeral. No way was it going to be a watchtower thing--i wouldnt have gone if it was ! just a non-religious committal. just me and 2 of my ex jw friends were there--plus 2 staff from the care home he had lived in for 3 years. All over in a few minutes. i bet they thought it was odd.
there was no-one from his congregation in attendance...but that might have been because i didnt tell anyone !
new talk outlines you might want.. no.
24 have you found a “pearl of high value”?no.
25 resist the spirit of the world!no.
welcome here Chezdale
from the borg?.
i point to none other than cal lehman and the towerwatch ministries.
towewatch.com.. the years following the collapse of the ussr and the 1995 generation left a bad taste in my mouth for a long time.
welcome to the site Moran.
the watchtower—study edition | march 2021. study article 13. jehovah will protect you—how?.
14 we also have the support of myriads of powerful angels.
think of what just one angel can do!
Stan, Are you being obtuse?
on reflexion--i think i was trying to be a cute
the watchtower—study edition | march 2021. study article 13. jehovah will protect you—how?.
14 we also have the support of myriads of powerful angels.
think of what just one angel can do!
there are no wrong angles--only right angles.
the watchtower—study edition | march 2021. study article 13. jehovah will protect you—how?.
14 we also have the support of myriads of powerful angels.
think of what just one angel can do!
just like jehovah--angels simply dont exist. just a fairy story.